Can christmas gifts be wrapped in checked luggage?

The TSA can, and will, unwrap your gifts in your hand or checked baggage and you probably don't like to have them re-wrapped. To avoid these types of incidents, the TSA recommends mailing gifts in advance or waiting to wrap them until you reach your destination.

Can christmas gifts be wrapped in checked luggage?

The TSA can, and will, unwrap your gifts in your hand or checked baggage and you probably don't like to have them re-wrapped. To avoid these types of incidents, the TSA recommends mailing gifts in advance or waiting to wrap them until you reach your destination. It's best to travel with gifts wrapped in the checked bag or keep them wrapped until you reach your destination. While wrapped gifts are allowed to pass through security checkpoints, TSA agents will open them for further examination.

If you have to carry wrapped gifts, consider using a gift box or bag that can be easily opened to filter them. Consider traveling with unwrapped items, placing them in a gift bag or gift box, or using a holiday bow for easy access and resolution. If you have any doubts that your Christmas gifts may not arrive through the TSA or may not arrive in one piece, you may want to send them to their final destination before leaving. Pack wrapping paper along with your gifts or use gift bags; this way, gifts can be easily registered and then gift-wrapped when they land.

While gift cards aren't as flashy or impressive as a well-wrapped box, they're one of the best gifts you can give. The art of gifting is complicated enough, but if you add vacation trips, you'll have a Christmas riddle.

Brianna Lovaas
Brianna Lovaas

Bacon evangelist. Proud zombie maven. Hipster-friendly zombie enthusiast. Total organizer. Hardcore coffee nerd.